Genesis Gaming readies to set the stage for Asia’s biggest gaming-entertainment marketplace, Global Gaming Expo Asia (G2E Asia), from May 15-17th. Well known for its globally renowned slot content, Genesis will be showcasing how it plans to be a trend leader in the Asian entertainment industry. The event will also mark its 10 year anniversary with a new corporate brand identity coming-out party.
Titles on display include Zombie Blackjack, a creative Blackjack twist that brings busted hands back to life, Flash Track, a fast-paced multiplayer roulette adaptation, and Savana King Jackpot, the first of many networked jackpot games to come. More diversity and choices are at the forefront of Genesis product roadmap, including an upcoming title with exciting player-controlled mechanics. Genesis will debut a demo of this highly anticipated game at the event.
Exhibitors will be introduced to the Genesis total solution. At the forefront of the booth, the latest and upcoming slot and non-slot titles will be available to play. The Genesis team will also be showcasing a suite of tools and extra features built around the Genesis platform that empowers both operators and players.
Empowerment features will also be highlighted. IntelliGen, Genesis’ proprietary platform, brings data-driven insights and promotional campaign management to the fingertips of operators. Gen+, a loyalty feature layered over Genesis games, takes the Genesis experience to levels not yet experienced in the Asian market.
“We’re very confident with what Genesis will accomplish in the next year across Asia, and we’re excited to showcase how we’ll do it at G2E,” said Kevin Lee, CEO of Genesis.
Genesis Gaming will be at booth #1653 at the Venetian during the days of May 15-17.
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